Could you set us up with a free Clubnets website?

Yes (as long as it’s for a sports club, league or performer). Contact Neil at info@clubnets.co.uk, call or text 07762 906818 or send a direct message via Twitter or Facebook.
(13 queries)

Can we pay you to place content on your website?

This is something we are often asked and have done several times. We are particularly interested in articles/blog posts focused on grassroots sport in Devon. If you think you have a great deal to offer us, please email Clubnets.
(13 queries)

How do I log in to our Clubnets website?

If you don’t have the log-in link, simply add /wp-admin after your domain name/web address (e.g. roversfc.com/wp-admin). You should then see the log-in screen with a space to enter your username (or email address) and password. There is also a link to reset your password if you have lost/forgotten/not received it.
If this doesn’t work, or you don’t remember your email address or username, please email Clubnets.
(11 queries)

Can we upload/send you photographs for the website?

Yes, you can do either. If uploading yourself, please try to keep the file size under 2MB and make sure you have the right to use the photograph and credit it appropriately. You can upload to your website’s media library using the ‘+ New Media‘ button. From there you can insert into your Posts (news items) and Pages as desired. We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help, please email Clubnets.
(8 queries)

Do you charge to come to a club and take player profile shots?

This is a free service we offer to all clubs with a Clubnets website. If you do not have a Clubnets website, we recommend contacting Ali at MiraclePR for a price. However, since Clubnets websites are 100% free, you might want to consider getting a free website anyway 😉
(8 queries)

Your photographer took some action photos/a team picture. How can we get copies?

Photographers working with Clubnets are freelancers. We currently have an agreement with MiraclePR to supply up to six free action photographs per match to each club we cover. Please email Clubnets to get your copies. You will need to speak to the photographer directly for any other photographs (e.g. team photographs, additional action photographs, photographs not taken by MiraclePR). We will be happy to put you in touch if you don’t have their contact details.
(8 queries)

Can you add our latest COVID-19 information/documents/links to our website?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets.
(7 queries)

Can we/you upload documents on our Clubnets website for other people to download?

Yes. First, you will need to upload the document/s to your Media Library by clicking ‘+ New‘ from the top menu, selecting ‘Media‘ from the dropdown, clicking ‘Select File‘ and finding the document on your computer.
You can then use the block editor on any Page or Post to add the ‘File‘ block. Most common file types can be uploaded (e.g. PDF*, Word Doc, Excel Spreadsheets but others may not be compatible (e.g. Apple documents).
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
*You may need to compress your PDF file before upload
(7 queries)

Our current website provider has started charging/is no longer fit for purpose. How do we switch to Clubnets?

We would love to create a free Clubnets website for your club or league. Please email Clubnets and we will get right back to you.
(6 queries)

Can we send you match reports/photographs to go up on the website? Where can we see them?

Yes. Please email Clubnets with the details/photographs. We will normally publish the report as a news item which will appear on the front page slider and News Page. Please make sure you have the right to use any photograph/s and let us know who to credit photos too. If no credit is needed, we will mark the photograph as ‘contributed’. Unless you tell us otherwise, we reserve the right to use the match reports on any Clubnets sites and related reports (e.g. press reports).
(6 queries)

We didn’t receive the log-in details for our new Clubnets website (or we received them but the link doesn’t work). Can you help?

Please check your spam/junk folder. If you still can’t see your log-in details, please email Clubnets and we will send you them manually.
(6 queries)

I’ve forgotten/lost my password/log-in details. How can I retrieve them?

If you remember your username (usually your initial and surname) or your email address, add /wp-login after your website name and then click the ‘Lost your password?’ link. Type your email or username in the field shown and click the ‘Get New Password’ button.
If this doesn’t work or you don’t remember your email address or username, please email Clubnets.
(6 queries)

I’m stuck with managing our Clubnets website. Can you help?

Of course! We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(5 queries)

How quickly can you get a website live?

This depends on how quickly we get the information we need. In the best case scenario, we could have a website live in as little as 3-4 hours but it normally takes a few weeks between being asked to create a website and the site going live.
(5 queries)

Can we add/send you club news/updates/articles to go on the website?

Yes. If you add these as a Post, they will (by default) go to the top of your front page news slider and on your News Page. We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(4 queries)

Can we add information to our website or is this all done by Clubnets?

We believe that Clubnets is unique in that we offer you the option to do as much or as little as you want in running your website. You can also scale up and down during the season. We recommend we handle the fixtures, tables, results and player stats so we can ensure your website is always bang up to date. Some clubs prefer Clubnets to upload all information to their website while others like to do a lot for themselves. It’s totally up to you!
(4 queries)

Will Clubnets sponsor one of our teams/players?

Clubnets does set aside a small annual budget for supporting clubs. please email Clubnets and we will consider your request. We are currently the proud sponsors of Sarah Louise Stacey of Buckland Athletic WFC.
(4 queries)

Our club crest has changed. Are you able to update it on our club/the league website?

If you send us the artwork, we can make the necessary changes on your club website. We can also update the crest on the TCSSDFL and/or DFL websites where appropriate. Where possible, please send the crest artwork in PNG format with a transparent background. Send us the biggest file size possible.
(4 queries)

We don’t have a domain name. What can we do to get one?

If you tell us what domain name you would like, we can find out if it is available to pick up or registered to someone else. If your first choice is registered you may need to choose an alternative. You can either buy and manage your domain name yourself (this normally only costs a few pounds a year) or we can do this for you. We can then connect (or help you to connect) your new domain name to your new Clubnets website.
(4 queries)

Can we link share or promote our business on your website?

If you think you have a great deal to offer us, please email Clubnets.
(4 queries)

Can we add our club/league/player sponsors to a Clubnets website? How many are allowed?

You can add unlimited sponsors but please email Clubnets if you need to add more than 10 so I can make sure any restrictions are removed. We usually reserve a prominent position for one main club sponsor but this is optional.
(4 queries)

How many administrators can we have for our website? What permissions will they be given?

We recommend you only have one or two trusted club members set up as administrators although you can have more. Since 2020, the main administrators for all clubs have been given full administration access. Administrators can set up additional Users with restricted admin access to help keep your site secure. Administrators can also edit permissions or delete Users.
Please do not delete any users with the prefix WP as this is the default Clubnets User.
(4 queries)

Are Clubnets websites really free?

(4 queries)

We know exactly what we want from a new website. Can we send you a detailed spec?

Definitely! We will do our best to meet the spec. Please note that we may need to spend extra time developing your site if there is a lot of bespoke work needed.
(4 queries)

Why don’t the fixtures/tables/results on Clubnets match those on Full-Time?

In most cases they do. However, since Clubnets updates results, fixtures and tables independently from Full-Time, there will be a delay and mistakes can creep in. We try to update all results and tables within 24 hours. If you notice an error/outdated information please email Clubnets.
(4 queries)

What is a domain name?

This is most easily thought of as your ‘web address’. For example, clubnets.co.uk is our domain name. Although you can have a Clubnets website without a domain name, we recommend you use one. Domain names can be bought, for a few pounds a year, from a domain name registrar. We can buy and manage a domain name for you if you prefer.
(3 queries)

Can we add and remove administrators/users?

Yes. Once you’ve logged in, go to your Dashboard. To add a new user, hold the pointer over ‘Users’ in the left-hand menu. Click ‘Add New User’ and follow the instructions on the page.Choose the role you want for the user. Administrators have full edit access while other roles are more restricted. We recommend only having one or two users with full administrator access and to set other users as Team Managers.
To remove an existing user, click ‘Users’ in the left-hand menu. Hover over the name of the User you want to remove and click the ‘Remove’ link which appears beneath their name. If you need any help (or prefer us to add/delete users), please email Clubnets.
(3 queries)

Can you remove information/photographs from the website for us please?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets. We aim to carry out all requests within 24h.
(3 queries)

The contact email address on the front page of our website is incorrect/missing/broken. Can you fix it?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets with the correct contact details. We aim to carry out all requests within 24h.
(3 queries)

How do we add/update results and fixtures?

You don’t have to. Clubnets will create and update all fixtures and results centrally. If you really want to manage fixtures and results yourself (or need to set these up for a friendly tournament, etc.) please email Clubnets and I can talk you through it.
(3 queries)

Will fixtures from Full-Time be shown on our club website?

By default we display latest fixtures and results from the Full-Time website on the sidebar (using the dedicated Full-Time feed). We also add fixtures, results and tables from the centrally updated Clubnets websites. If you prefer, we can only display one or other of these options.
(3 queries)

Can we link our new Clubnets club website to our league’s website?

Sure. We can link to your league’s profile page or home page using the league crest or text as you prefer. If we run your league’s website (e.g. TCSSDFL, DFL), the ‘View Site’ button on your club profile will also link back to your club website. For other league’s, you will need to contact your league secretary if you want a link back to your website. We can also link you to your league’s page on Full-Time if you want (although clicking a table, fixture or result feed from Full-Time will have the same effect). If you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(3 queries)

Can you/we upload digital posters to our website?

Yes. These will need to be in PNG or JPEG format and uploaded to the Media Library. You can then add them to any Page, Post or Home Page widget area. As with all images, try to keep them within 2MB in size. We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(3 queries)

We’ve spotted some out of date/incorrect info. Can you update/correct this for us?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets. If the information is on one of our league websites, we recommend you also contact the secretary of the league to let them know about the error.
(3 queries)

Could we be a Clubnets sponsor?

We are always interested in sponsorship and offer several options (including live stream spopnsorship and classified ads). We also offer one exclusive 12 month sponsorship deal. Please email Clubnets or call 07762 906818 for more details.
(3 queries)

Do you provide training/a user manual?

Not at the moment but we will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(2 queries)

You said our website was live but when I type in the web address, I see an old version/error page/it loads really slowly

If you are using a domain name (web address) you already own, this can sometimes happen due to cached information on your computer. This normally resolves itself within 24 hours or you can clear your browser’s cache.
Here’s how to clear your cache on Google Chrome
Here’s how to clear your cache on Safari
If you want more information about why this happens, please email Clubnets.
(2 queries)

What information do you need from us to get this Clubnets website set up?

Once you have given us the green light to create an example site, we will send you an email with full details of the information we need.
(2 queries)

We used to have a domain name but I’m not sure if we still do. Can you check?

We can find out whether your old domain name is available to pick up or registered. If registered, we can usually locate the domain name registrar and find out who owns the domain name. The domain name owner will need to log in to their domain name account (or contact the registrar directly if they don’t have the details). Once they can log in, we can help you to connect the domain name to your new Clubnets website.
(2 queries)

Can we password protect downloadable documents or pages/sub-pages on our website?

Yes. When you set up a new page, there is a password-protect option on the right-hand panel (you may need to click the ‘gear’ icon to open the panel). Documents themselves can usually be password-protected but the process will vary. Microsoft Word and Excel and Adobe PDF documents are examples of programs that can be protected. We are happy to add the protection and upload for you if you’re struggling.
PLEASE NOTE: Clubnets can not be held responsible for the failure of password protection, however caused.
(2 queries)

Our club details on our Clubnets website are out of date/incorrect. Can you update/correct them for us?

Yes. please email Clubnets with the details.
(2 queries)

Can we/you add an Instagram/Facebook/Twitter etc. logo to our website so that clicks through to our social media page.

Yes. Social media buttons to a wide range of social media platforms are built in to Clubnets websites. These can be activated/edited in the ‘Settings’ menu (under ‘Social Sidebar’). Or you can just email Clubnets with the details and we will add/edit them.
(2 queries)

Can you set up an email address for our club?

This should be possible (we have done this before but haven’t tried since switching to a multi-site structure). Please email Clubnets and we’ll give it a go.
(2 queries)

Our sponsor wants to change their logo/artwork/details. Is this possible?

No problem. If you need help, email Clubnets with the new details.
(2 queries)

Your emails keep ending up in my spam/junk mailbox. Can you help?

This is something which can happen with info@ email addresses as some email service providers(ESPs) assume these are unsolicited commercial mail. Here are some instructions on how to mark emails as safe with various ESPs.
(2 queries)

Would your photographer be interested in covering one of our events?

Photographers working with Clubnets are freelancers. If your event is football related, we currently have an agreement with MiraclePR to supply up to six free action photographs per match to each club we cover. Please email Clubnets and we will try and attend your event if possible. For other events (or if you need a more bespoke arrangement), you will need to arrange this with MiraclePR directly. We will be happy to put you in touch if you don’t have their contact details.
(2 queries)

We need to hide or disable our Clubnets website. Is this possible?

Yes. We can put up a maintenance page. Please email Clubnets.
(2 queries)

Could you create the artwork for a sponsor’s ad?

We recommend your sponsor supplies the artwork. However, with your sponsor’s permission, we can provide some free basic graphic design services. Other options include sourcing a copy of their logo online or scanning a copy of their business card. We have used all of these methods before to satisfy clubs and sponsors.
(2 queries)

If Clubnets websites are free, how do you make money?

Clubnets relies upon sponsorship and advertising to make money. Please visit our advertising page for more details.
(2 queries)

Can we download fixtures from the website?

Not at this point but we are working on adding that feature soon.
(2 queries)

After we have approved our new Clubnets website, when will it be live?

This will usually happen within half an hour. However, it can take 48 hours or longer for a new website to be visible across the web.
(2 queries)

How many pages and sub-pages can we have on a Clubnets website?

You can add unlimited pages and sub-pages to your Clubnets website.
(2 queries)

Can we add a ‘Club History’ page on our website?

Absolutely. You can add unlimited pages and sub-pages to your Clubnets website.
(2 queries)

Can we add league/club contact details on our Clubnets website?

Yes, sure. You can either add a separate Page or sub-page or include on a section on the home page. The home page is managed in a different way than any other page on your website so we recommend letting us talk you through the process (or add the section for you). Please email Clubnets.
(2 queries)

How can I contact a club, league or performer with a Clubnets website?

By default, the main email contact details are normally included at the bottom of the page in the footer. However, individual clubs and leagues may decide to add another area or page for contacting them. Club contact details are often also found on the club profile page of the parent league’s website.
For clubs or leagues, the Secretary is usually the best person to contact.
(2 queries)

Can we/you change the colour or font of the website header? Can we design a bespoke header.

Changing the colour is straightforward. Select ‘Customize’ (at the top of any page, when logged in), click the ‘Colors’ tab and then click the button under ‘Header Text Color’). The font is fixed but you can replace the header with one you (or we) have created (e.g. on Photoshop). This can then be uploaded by selecting ‘Customize’ and then ‘Header Image’). You will also have to go into ‘Site Identity’ and uncheck the option to ‘Display Site Title and Tagline’. As with all bespoke work, you should allow for extra time to design custom headers.
(2 queries)

My son/daughter wants to play for x club. How do I contact them?

By default, the main email contact details are normally included at the bottom of the page in the footer. However, individual clubs may decide to add another area or page for contacting them. Club contact details are often also found on the club profile page of the parent league’s website.
(2 queries)

We already have a domain name. Can we still use it?

Yes. The domain name owner will need to log in to their domain name account (or contact the registrar directly if they don’t have the details). Once they can log in, we can help you to connect the domain name to your new Clubnets website.
(2 query)

Can we use Divi or Elementor to design our Clubnets website?

Let’s talk about it. We have recently added Divi and Elementor web builders to Clubnets, but you will need to link these to a Divi or Elementor account respectively. If you do not have one, you will need to set one up before we activate the page builder. At the time of writing, Elementor were offering a free account but Divi offered only paid accounts. If you are familiar with a different page builder, we may be able to install it to your club or league’s site.
(2 queries)

How do I create a new news item for the front page slider/news page?

Once you’ve logged in, go to your Dashboard. Hold the pointer over ‘+ New‘ at the top of the page and click ‘Post‘ in the dropdown menu. Follow the information on screen to add a title and content including images and text. Use the gear icon on the right-hand side of the screen to bring up further options such as adding a featured image for your news item and, of course, publishing or scheduling your post.
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need more help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

We have a website/publication on a similar topic. Can we reuse the content on Clubnets websites?

You are free to share Clubnets content on social media. If you want to download written content to use in a different context, please email Clubnets so we can clear it with the clubs/leagues as necessary. If you want to download photographs, please contact the photographer directly where possible by clicking the link on the byline. If there is no byline please email Clubnets
(1 query)

How do we add tabs to our Clubnets website?

If you mean the ‘tabs’ along the menu bar at the top of your page, these are known as ‘Pages‘.
Once you’ve logged in, go to your dashboard. Hold the pointer over ‘+ New‘ at the top of the page and click ‘Page‘ in the dropdown menu. Follow the information on screen to add a title and content including images and text. Use the gear icon on the right-hand side of the screen to bring up further options such as adding a featured image for your page and, of course, publishing or scheduling your page.
Once your Page has been created, go back to the Dashboard and hold the pointer over ‘Appearance‘ on the right of the page and click ‘Menus‘ in the dropdown menu. You can drag the new page to your preferred position on the menu (if you drag it to an indented position beneath an existing page, it will become a sub-page).
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need more help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

How do I put stuff on the website?

To add news items (posts) or pages, log in, go to your dashboard and hold the pointer over ‘+ New‘ at the top of the page. Click either ‘Post‘ or ‘Page‘ in the dropdown menu. Follow the information on screen to add a title and content including images and text. Use the gear icon on the right-hand side of the screen to bring up further options such as adding a featured image for your news item or page and, of course, publishing or scheduling your page.
News items (posts) will automatically appear at the top of the front page slider and news page. When adding pages, go back to the Dashboard and hold the pointer over ‘Appearance‘ on the right of the page and click ‘Menus‘ in the dropdown menu. You can drag the new page to your preferred position on the menu (if you drag it to an indented position beneath an existing page, it will become a sub-page).
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need more help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we send you some club/league documents to upload on our website for us?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

How can I get full admin access to our website?

Most clubs and leagues will have been given full admin access when their site was first set up. If you don’t have full admin access, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we put videos up on our website?

Yes. When adding/editing a Post (news item) or Page, you can find various video upload/link options using the block editor. We recommend you use the YouTube or Vimeo blocks in the ‘Embeds’ category to link to a video you upload on these platforms (anyone with a Google account can set up a free YouTube channel). You can also upload videos you own directly using the Video block in the ‘Media’ category.
Please be careful not to upload inappropriate content to the site including, but not limited to content containing nudity, violence, abuse, excessive swearing or illegal activity. Such content may be removed and/or reported without notice.
(1 query)

Can we add club directions/a ground map

At this time, we are able to add club directions and a ground map which will display with your fixtures. We are planning on adding more flexible ground map placement in 2021. Please email Clubnets if you need to discuss this.
(1 query)

You said that a Clubnets website is totally free. Now you say we need to buy a domain name. I’m confused.

Although you can have a Clubnets website without a domain name, we recommend you use one. Domain names can be bought, for a few pounds a year, from a domain name registrar. However, we can buy and manage a domain name for you if you prefer.
(1 query)

Our club details on the SDFL/DFL website are out of date/incorrect. Can you update/correct them for us?

You will need to contact the league secretary in the first instance (see the relevant website for the contact details). They can then co-ordinate updating your details which will include instructing us to update your details on the league website.
(1 query)

Are you interested in our ad revenue program?

We aren’t usually interested in ad revenue sharing but if you think you have a great deal to offer us, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can you create GIFs/graphics/video clips for social media (e.g. player signings, goal notifications, etc.)?

We are happy to knock something up for you. However, we recommend you check out Adobe Spark. This is a freemium, user-friendly online platform for creating branded graphics and videos for social media.
(1 query)

I’m struggling to upload documents to our Clubnets website. What am I doing wrong?

The two most common problems with uploading documents are file format and file size. Some file types (e.g. Apple Letters, some Microsoft Excel worksheets, TIFF images, etc.) are not permitted for upload by WordPress. Try converting to a different format. There is also a maximum upload size displayed on the upload screen. Try reducing the size of your document. If you are still experiencing problems, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

We would like to track player statistics. Is that possible?

Absolutely. We currently track stats for players of Buckland Athletic WFC, Torquay United WFC and Teign Village FC. We recommend you add players to your website (we can help you with that) and then we will automatically track the stats you are interested in using information from full-time or, if you prefer, information you provide to us. To get started, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we organise our news items by team/topic/category?

Yes. This is most easily done by adding Categories. You can then choose a category for each of your Posts (news items) or leave it uncategorised.
To add a new Category, log in, go to your Dashboard and hold the pointer over ‘Posts’ on the left-hand menu. Click ‘Categories’ and follow the information on screen to add a new one.
The front page news slider (if you have one) is set to show all posts by default but this can be changed to show only posts from a specific catrgory. You can also set up additional sliders or slots (widgets) on your website to control which post categories are displayed where. For help, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we/you add a ‘Match Day Sponsorship’ section to the home page?

Definitely. However, the home page is managed in a different way than any other page on your website so we recommend letting us talk you through the process (or add the section for you). Please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we/you add a ‘Player of the Match’ section to the home page?

Definitely. However, the home page is managed in a different way than any other page on your website so we recommend letting us talk you through the process (or add the section for you). Please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we/you add a ‘Youth’ section to the home page?

Definitely. You can have one page for all your youth teams or pages/sub-pages for different age groups. It’s up to you. We can display tables, results and fixtures using the FA’s Full-Time feed. We can even add custom sidebars and social media feeds for your Youth section/teams. If you need any help, please email Clubnets to get this set up.
(1 query)

Can we add a ‘Roll of Honour’ page on our website?

Absolutely. You can add unlimited pages and sub-pages to your Clubnets website.
(1 query)

Can we add training times/details on our Clubnets website?

Yes, sure. You can either add a separate Page or sub-page or include on a section on the home page. The home page is managed in a different way than any other page on your website so we recommend letting us talk you through the process (or add the section for you). Please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we/you put up our recent cup draws on the website?

Yes. In fact, we already pre-load all DFL and SDFL cup draws on the relevant League websites and can display these on club websites too (you will need Clubnets to set this up for you).
For other cups (e.g. county cups, friendly tournaments, etc.) you can either set up the fixtures and display a Calendar, upload a document for people to download or simply add the details manually to a Page or Post (news item). We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

We’ve messed something up on the website. Can you fix it?

Yes, sure. Please email Clubnets. Don’t worry it’s unlikely you have done something that can’t be undone 🙂
(1 query)

Managing our Clubnets website is too time-consuming. Can you help?

Like anything new, getting used to managing your Clubnets website can take time, especially if you have no experience of WordPress websites. If you want Clubnets to manage your website on your behalf (permanently or temporarily), simply let us know. This is a free service and we will try to act on any instructions (e.g. uploading images/documents; adding pages/news etc.) within 24h.
If you prefer, we can put your website on hold for a while using a maintenance/coming soon page.
To help you learn how to manage your Clubnets website, we will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

How many weekly hits do I get on my website?

All Clubnets websites include Google Analytics code and basic statistics such as the number of sessions are displayed on your Dashboard (thanks to MonsterInsights!) For more detailed statistics (or if you are unable to see/access these stats) please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we/you add player sponsors to our Clubnets website

Absolutely. We recommend adding Players and using the ‘Add Media’ option to add the sponsor’s logo/artwork to the player profile page. Alternatively, you could add this information on a separate Player Sponsors Page or on a Widget area on your Home Page.
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

We sent you a match report to upload to the website. Where can we see it?

Is this for a League website or your own club website?
Match reports from clubs on one of our league websites (e.g. DFL/SDFL) will go on the individual match details page (click on your club name in the league table and then the specific match to see it). We also recommend sending your report to the Press Secretary of the league so they can add it to any league round-ups they create.
Match reports for your own club website will, by default, be added as a new Post (news item) and should appear at the top of your Home Page news slider and News Page (if we run the relevant league website, we will also add your report as described above).
If you don’t see your report after 24h (or you prefer us to treat your match report in a different way to the above), please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

Can we add a regular special column (from a manager/sponsor etc.) to our website?

There are several ways you could do this. One way would be to create a separate Category for each column you want to run.
To add a new Category, log in, go to your Dashboard and hold the pointer over ‘Posts’ on the left-hand menu. Click ‘Categories’ and follow the information on screen to add a new one.
You can then label news items (Posts) for your new columns with the relevant Category. By setting up category-specific news sliders, pages or slots (widgets) on your website, you can control which columns are displayed where. For help, please email Clubnets.
(1 query)

We’ve been struggling to set up a new website with Pitchero. How can we switch to Clubnets?

We would love to create a free Clubnets website for your club or league. Please email Clubnets and we will get right back to you.
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I’m not sure what to put in the news section of our new Clubnets website. Any ideas?

Good question! One option is to take 6 of your latest social media posts and copy the text and images for 6 news items (Posts). This will fill up the home page news slider.
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Can we have a framed team photograph for our clubhouse?

Please arrange this with the photographer who took the team shot (they may apply a charge). Please email Clubnets if you need their contact details.
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Our sponsor doesn’t have a website. Can we link their logo/artwork to their social media page?

Yes. Please email Clubnets with the URL (web address) or page name of the social media page. We can also link sponsor logos/artwork to an email address (an email with the sponsor’s email address pre-filled will open in the visitor’s default email program).
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Our new Clubnets website isn’t showing up when we search for our club/league on Google. How can we fix this?

It can take time for new websites to start ranking on Google. Check back in a couple of weeks and if you’re still invisible, email Clubnets for help. We may need to do some extra optimisation work.
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Our website is showing ‘Not Secure’ on Google. Why is this?

It looks like we’ve forgotten to activate your website’s free SSL certificate. Sorry about that. Please email Clubnets and we’ll get that sorted.
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Can we advertise monthly on your website?

Yes, that would be great! Our rates are simply £5 per month per Clubnets website with discounts for advertising on multiple websites. Please email Clubnets or visit our dedicated page for classified ads in Devon.
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We run a club lottery. Can we post the draw results on our Clubnets website.

Yes but please do not include personally identifiable information as this is against GDPR guidelines. A consultation on this issue with CAP concluded that publishing non-identifiable winner details (e.g. name and county) was compliant with both CAP and GDPR regulations. We recommend you include the winner details on a PDF and delete this PDF from your Media Library whenever new winners are announced. This ensures we are not holding data for longer than necessary and reduces the risk of personal details being found via search engines. Please email Clubnets if you need more information about this.
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Can we meet up in person to discuss a new website?

Due to COVID restrictions, we are currently unable to meet indoors. However, we are happy to meet you at a football game to discuss your website (observing social distancing). We are also happy to meet via Zoom or to discuss your website over the telephone/email.
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Can we add Player/Staff details to the website?

Yes. There is a specific template for both which you can fill in by clicking the ‘+ New‘ button on the top menu and selecting either ‘Player‘ or ‘Staff‘. Various default details and metrics can be added and these can be customised if needed. We can even take professional player profile photographs for you and track player stats.
We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.
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How do we add league tables to our Clubnets website?

You don’t have to. Clubnets will create and update all tables centrally. If you really want to manage league tables yourself (or need to set one up for a friendly tournament, etc.) please email Clubnets and I can talk you through it.
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Can you help us to get new sponsors for our club/league?

We are happy to share your social media posts on the Clubnets Facebook and Twitter pages. If there’s anything else we can do, please email Clubnets.
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How much will you charge us if we ask you to buy a domain name for us?

Nothing. We are happy to cover the cost. However, you may prefer to buy a domain name directly as this will give you more control (they tend to cost only a few pounds a year).
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Can we show the website to the committee before going live?

Yes. We will send you a link to the development site for you to approve. You will be able to send that link to other people and we won’t put your site live before you have given us approval.
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Can we link our sponsors’ logos/artwork/text to their website?

Yes. Clubnets offers this by default. Please email Clubnets with your sponsor’s website address.
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Can we place our main sponsor on the top header of our Clubnets website?

Yes, this is possible. As with all bespoke work, you should allow for extra time to design custom headers.
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Can the design of our Clubnets website be based on our club colours?

Yes. Colours are completely customisable. We use the hexadecimal colour system so you can choose exactly the colour you want for headings, backgrounds, links, sections (widgets) and other areas.
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Can we link our Clubnets website to our club’s Facebook page?

Yes, we can add social media buttons for all of the major social media platforms. We can also add a Facebook feed to your website although we are currently working to resolve problems with these.
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Do you have examples of websites Clubnets have created?

Yes. If you go to the home page, you will see the crests of the leagues and clubs with Clubnets websites. Click these to visit the relevant website.
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Can we/you display upcoming club events on our website?

Yes. If you run regular events, you might be interested in using our dedicated events calendar. Our preferred plug-in for this is the ‘All-in-One Event Calendar by Time.ly‘. Please email Clubnets if you want us to set this up for you.
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Additional Questions:

Our Facebook feed isn’t working on our Clubnets website. How can we fix this?

We are aware of this issue and investigating it. Please email Clubnets for an update.

How does Clubnets keep on top of league fixtures, results and tables?

In 2020, Clubnets was upgraded to a WordPress multi-site. Most Clubnets club websites are now part of this multi-site. Fixtures, results and tables for all relevant adult leagues are updated on the central Clubnets website and displayed using Widgets set up on each individual site. We also add player stats where these are being tracked by clubs.

All information is taken from the FA’s Full-Time website and Clubnets aims to update information within 24h of Full-Time being updated. We also have some online forms on the central Clubnets website if you prefer to send us information that way.

I notice my website says ‘Designed by ThemeBoy’. Who are they?

ThemeBoy are a talented team of website developers who specialise in sports teams, clubs and leagues. Clubnets uses the Football Club template and SportsPress Pro plug-in to create websites with a design and features that are suitable for most sports leagues, clubs and performers. Click the link to browse sports clubs who use ThemeBoy themes.

What happens when you attend one of our matches?

It depends on whether we have a photographer available or not, the time we are spending at the game and your preferences.

For most games MiraclePR will take professional action photographs for the local media and, where relevant, your club and the league website. I will also tweet match action updates on Twitter. Occasionally, either Derek Castree or MiraclePR will also offer to take a team picture. I may also ask for an interview with the club manager for the local media and websites. With your permission I may record a video for our QuickQuotes feature on YouTube.

Please note: photographers working with Clubnets are freelancers. We currently have an agreement with MiraclePR to supply up to six free action photographs per match to each club we cover. Please email Clubnets to get your copies. You will need to speak to the photographer directly for any other photographs (e.g. team photographs, additional action photographs, photographs not taken by MiraclePR). We will be happy to put you in touch if you don’t have their contact details.

Our Tweets are not showing on our website’s Twitter feed. Why is this?

This could be because you have set your Tweets to private (protected Tweets). In your Twitter account, go to Settings and Privacy, then Privacy and Safety, then Audience and Tagging. Remove the check from the Protect your Tweets box. Clubnets may also temporarily remove the Twitter feed entirely if a club has recently used offensive language or content in their Tweets. The feed will be reinstated once the offensive Tweet is no longer visible (whether removed by the club or replaced by more recent Tweets).

What is AdSense?

AdSense is Google’s monetisation program for websites. Showing relevant and appropriate Google Ads on Clubnets websites helps us to keep Clubnets Free Forever. However, if you object to AdSense on your website, please let us know.

My spelling and grammar isn’t great. Can you help?

Definitely. As an experienced copywriter and sports journalist, I will edit contributions for grammar and clarity where necessary. If you prefer, you can send your piece to me and I will edit it before uploading to your site.

Can we link our Clubnets website to our official Club Shop?

Yes. The most effective way is usually to connect them via a ‘Club Shop’ custom link on your main menu bar (e.g see Paignton Villa FC). Other linking methods are possible. We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets. **Would you be interested in having a cliub shop built and managed for you? Please let me know**

Do you only do sports websites?

Yes. We recommend checking out Vu Online and LukeTom.com if you are interested in a website for your business or organisation.

Will you share our Tweets/Facebook/Instagram posts?

I will do my best to share social media activity from your club via Twitter and Facebook (Clubnets is currently not on Instagram). If there is something specific you want me to share, DM or email me so I don’t miss it. If you have a Clubnets website, all posts and pages should include social media sharing buttons at the bottom. Please use these to share content on your social media networks. If you also use the #Clubnets hashtag and/or @ClubnetsUK handle that would be amazing!

Can you add an empty webpage to our website that we then fill with content later?

No problem. Just tell us the name of the page/sub-page and where you want it to go on your main menu. If you prefer, you can leave it off the menu until you add the content and add it later. Of course, you also have the access to add pages/sub-pages yourself. We will be adding tutorials to the Clubnets YouTube channel soon. In the meantime, if you need any help , please email Clubnets.

Can we add a Privacy Policy to our website?

Yes. In fact, we have a template suitable for most clubs. Please contact Clubnets to get this done.

Are Clubnets websites social media friendly?

Very much so. All posts and pages should include social media sharing buttons at the bottom. Please use these to share content on your social media networks. If you also use the #Clubnets hashtag and/or @ClubnetsUK handle that would be amazing! In addition, we can add a Twitter feed/s to your website and/or social media buttons to a wide range of social media platforms. These are built in to all Clubnets websites and can be activated/edited in the ‘Settings’ menu (under ‘Social Sidebar’). Or you can just email Clubnets with the details and we will add/edit them.

Are Clubnets websites secure?

Clubnets league, club and performer websites use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. This is a certificate-based system designed to prevent unauthorised parties accessing communications between the website and the server. If you see a padlock icon in your browser and the web page begins with https:// you know this has been activated. NB: You may notice that the Clubnets home page does not always have SSL protection enabled. This is because the security plug-in can interfere with adding new sites to the Clubnets network. This only affects the Clubnets home site and no sensitive information is ever sent to the server anyway.

However, no website can guarantee to be 100% secure so please avoid using Clubnets for sending sensitive information (e.g. payment card details) where possible. Please see our Privacy Policy for details on how Clubnets monitors for breaches and how Clubnets would respond to evidence of a breach.

Can we advertise a charity event with Clubnets?

Clubnets occasionally place free advertisements for charities or nonprofits. Please contact Clubnets for more details.

Is my Clubnets website regularly backed up?

Yes. Clubnets uses UpdraftPlus to individually back up every website. The database is updated every two weeks and all other files are updated monthly.

Can we have a contact form on our Clubnets website?

Yes. Clubnets recommends WPForms. If you want to use a different contact form plugin, please contact Clubnets. It is important that a secure form is used to prevent potential malicious attacks on the Clubnets server (something which is a risk with poorly designed contact forms).

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