Photo Enquiries

You were at our game taking photographs. How can I get a copy?

Photographers working with Clubnets are freelancers.

We have an agreement with MiraclePR to supply up to six free action photographs per match to each club we cover. Please email Clubnets to request your copies. Please note that this agreement is pending re-negotiation. In the meantime, please contact Neil at to request copies and I will provide you with the photographer’s contact details.

You will need to speak to the photographer directly for any other photographs (e.g. team photographs, additional action photographs, photographs not taken by MiraclePR).

Contact Ali/MiraclePR at
Contact Derek Castree at

For other photographs please contact the photographer using the details on the copyright notice. Otherwise contact Neil at

We would like some individual portrait photographs for our team. How do we go about that?

Team portrait photographs are provided FREE of charge to any club agreeing for Clubnets to set up and run a FREE website for them.

If you do not want a FREE website, Al from MiraclePR will provide a cost for this service.

In either case, please contact Neil on to book a date.

Can we use the non-watermarked images on the website for club/personal use?

The rights to the photographs are owned by the photographer mentioned in the copyright notice. For permission to use the photographs, please contact the photographer directly.

Contact Ali/MiraclePR at
Contact Derek Castree at

For other photographs please contact the photographer using the details on the copyright notice. Otherwise contact Neil at

Can I supply photographs to Clubnets?

Photographs are always gratefully received. Please include details of who the photograph needs to be attributed to, including a relevant website, social media or email address, so I can add the appropriate byline and link.

Please send to the email address . If you are sending very large files, I suggest using the FREE WeTransfer service.

Please note that Clubnets is not responsible for incorrect usage of your photographs by third parties (e.g. downloading your contributed photographs from the Clubnets website for personal use).

I have another question regarding photography.

Please contact Neil at

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